Lavender or rosemary smell nice for making perfume
Things you must learned to make a good perfume. To make your own perfume is much to your personal preference smell, how you like the smell to be and how long do you want it to stay in your skin. The most commom and smell nice is from Lavender or rosemary. All you needs is a vodka or brandy 100% pure, esseence oil and spring water.First put the lavender or rosemary or any kinds of roses that smell nice to you in a pot and then grind it with motar or pestle and then add some of the spring water to it, shake it well. Follow by adding some vodka or brandy to it and shake it again for a numbers of time, then add in the essence oil and then shake it again.
Strain the mixture to get rid of the leaves in a coffee cloth fitter or a piece of fine cloth. Always remmember to smell and test the perfume first. Leave the pot in a dark place for a week. Shake the pot every one or two days to get the smell that you want and then pour it into a nice and beautiful bottle that you are using daily.
Labels: Making your own perfume